This summer my mother gave me some plants, vegetables and herbs to put on my balcony. Unfortunately some have died like my spring onions but I bought some spring onions, cut of their roots and put in soil and they have started growing. I also got a pot of marygold wich is very pretty, koriander (silantro), parsley and basil.
I´ve also started growing cress, wich is very easy to do.
I was trying to grow some chives but I think my seeds are to old so nothing has come up.
My little sitting area, it´s very colorful
Spring onions
My cress wich I use as a herb or sometimes when I don´t have any salad at home
And at last my basil. I´ve had used it mostly for bruschetta.
My weekend plans: To bake some snickerdoodles, crocheting a Twyla cardigan pattern here and watching Don´t trust the bitch in appartment 23 (wich are hilarious)
What are you doing this weekend?