Saturday, July 26, 2014

Reading, listening watching

I just finished reading memories of my melancholy whores by Gabriel Garcia Marquez wich was very good and I have started reading the golden compass by Philip Pullman and though I´m only o

I´ve been listening to game of thrones and clash of kings on audiobook.  I really like the tv series and I should have read the books before watching the series. 

At the moment I´m watching Ghost in the shell for the second time and I really like this stuff.  A while ago I finished watching Kung fu the tv series with David Carradine and made me want some more kung fu, maybe some Bruce Lee or those old revenging a father themed kung fu movies.

Sunday, July 20, 2014

Japanese cotton cheese cake

For easter dinner with my family I made a japanese cotton cheesecake from a recipe I found on the net


So I made it and it was reallly good, soft and moist. The only fault I could find in the recipe was too little flavor of vanilla, so if you make it I advise you to use more vanilla.
I was very glad that it turned out to be good because I hate regular cheesecake.


Here are some photos of my Japanese cotton cheesecake.


Thursday, July 3, 2014


In june I spent a day making kimchi. I had never tasted kimchi before but when one of my acquaintances posted some photos of her kimchi making on facebook I really wanted to try it. Here is the recipe


And here are some photos from my endeavour.


Tuesday, May 20, 2014

What I´ve been up to lately

What I´ve been up to lately.

Lately I´ve been learning how to knit socks wich hasen´t been easy, I´ve undone them 8 times and still they are flawed but I am finishing them this time and just fix my mistakes with needle and yarn later.  They are a bit misshapened but that will have to do.
I´ve also been crocheting a bedspread wich I´m not going to continue with it until next winter because it´s to hot sitting under it while I crochet.   The bedspread is striped and I do regret now not doing a grannysquare blanket but it´s too late to change my mind.  I do tend to making a grannysquare blanket for my sofa but I will not get into that until I finish my bedspread.
I have also finished a shawl I started in march.  I was babysitting my friends son for a month and crocheted when I had the time.  I changed the recipe a little bit and I think it will come in handy next winter.
When I´ve finished the socks I´ve been knitting I am going to knit a sweater and I look forward to it although I know it will be fustrating to learn and make mistakes but that is how it will have to be. 

I have been watching Dr. Who while I knit and crochet and have started to like it though it´s not really a serious  sci fi like firefly og star trek but I kind of like it.  I have also been listening to music through spotify wich I think is a great source to find new music. 
I have been reading Memories of my melancholy whores by Gabriel Garcia Marquez wich makes me want to have another go at 100 years of solitude wich I rented from the library but didn´t have enough time to read, I think I might get it on audiobook.

Well that´s enough for now I will post pictures of my projects in progress soon.