Wednesday, April 18, 2018

Cozy time blanket

So I finally made a granny square blanket.
I have made some for newborn babies of friends but never a one for myself.
I found a pattern called Drops bohemian oasis wich I liked. I´ve never crocheted so complicated granny stitch and it came to me fast. I really love this square pattern, I´m very much into boho chic.

It took me a year to do it with some breaks because I got kind of bored with it. I slipstitched the squares together wich I kind of regret, I couldn´t figure out how they were put together according to the pattern. Later I did see my mother do it and then I´d already started putting it together.

I used Icelandic worsted weigh wool called kambgarn for the blanket so it is very warm.
I was so happy to decommission a crappy flece blanket I was using and I want to make another blanket for my futon matress. The pattern I´ve chosen to do is Attic 24 granny stripe blanket

So now I´m sitting under my blanket (wich is really colorful and gorgeous), sipping tea and watching Kirsten Dirksen videos.

Tuesday, April 17, 2018

Making a choice

Making a choice.

For a while now I have been thinking of starting my own knitting and crochet podcast.
After procastination and anxiety I have decided that podcasting isn´t for me, I think it would only become something I´d dread.

So instead I have decided to start the blog up again not that was ever a regular thing. I think I would like to talk about my crafting, cooking and other interests.
I think I will try to blog here once a month for start and I´ll see how it goes.